Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Looks Like I have time for One More! October 31, 2022

Well everyone today has been a blur. Only added to this last week in the field.

This week was pretty great! Got to do my last two exchanges they went pretty well! 

We had a super wonderful miracle this week. So one morning (I think it was Wednesday) we woke up with a notification we had a referral (someone who expresses interest in learning more from missionaries) not gonna lie out of the 50 or so I've received during my mission not many have actually been interested after all. 

This one was different. His name is Eddie! He knew some members of the Church growing up and was always touched by the lives they lived. He desired a positive relationship with his future family. 

We made contact with him as soon as we could. He replied almost right away and we met him that day. We had a great lesson where we learned the previously above mentioned info. 

We met with him one more time on Saturday. During our planning session for him Elder Morgan and I felt we should extend a baptismal invite and date even though it was still early on in the teaching process. 

During the lesson the opportunity arose and we invited him to be baptized in Nov.26th. He checked his calendar to see he would be out of town that weekend but he said he could do Dec. 3rd!! I am so excited for him, sad I won't get to see it through but I'm grateful to have met Eddie! 

That was the biggest highlight by far this week. 

The rest was full of goodbyes and see you laters. Many meals with members, spiritual thoughts shared and food enjoyed. 

Sunday was the hardest especially saying goodbye to Cody and Nia. Those two hold a special place in my heart. 

After church me and a couple other Elders who are going home as well drove down to St.Louis. There we met the other 19 missionaries leaving, office staff and President and Sister McKay. We all had dinner and a final testimony meeting.  

Then off to bed, three of us had early morning flights. So me and another Elder got to spend the night in the Assistants apartment. I got to say one last goodbye to Elder Hurst, love that Elder! 

This morning Elder Dotson and I woke up at 3:30am to get ready to leave for the airport by 4am. 

Us and a Sister missionary also leaving were then picked up and dropped off at the airport. 

We went our separate ways from there. Although I ran into Elder Dotson later and we walked to our first gate together which was great. 

I hopped on a plane to Chicago and then took one to Calgary, that is where I am currently waiting to board my last flight to Edmonton! 

I'm grateful for the time spent in Missouri and Illinois the last 2 years, I have come away a new person, more focused on Jesus Christ and those around me. I have learned many lessons. I'm excited to keep growing, nervous but also excited. 

Love you all! Elder Spencer 

Thank you for the Birthday Wishes! October 24, 2022

This very well could be my last email, not sure if I will have a phone to send one from the airplane next Monday! So here we go . 

First of all thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, it truly was a happy day! :) 

This week was pretty good, worked as hard as we could faced a lot of rejection so that was tough. 

Taught some good lessons this week, one with a girl named Lauren she has some friends on a mission as well so she already knew a little about the church. 

We had two exchanges this week, I went with two Elders who are both going home at the same time as me so it was fun working with them talking about what we've learned on our missions and what not. 

Mizzou had their homecoming and a football game over the weekend so campus was not effective trying to find people who were interested in talking about God! 

One more week serving a full-time mission, it's wild. Doesn't feel real yet.

I've learned a ton from my mission but wanted to share a brief testimony with you all about some things I have come to know are true! 

Number one, Heavenly Father loves you! He loves me, He loves everybody.

Number two, Jesus Christ lives. He suffered for each and everyone of our sins. 

Number three, The Book of Mormon is true and is the word of God! 

Thanks for sticking with me over these two years. Thanks for all who wrote and sent gifts and cards! 

See some of y'all in 7 days!! 

Elder Spencer 

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Nia's Baptism, October 17, 2022

Hello everyone, wow this week was amazing!

Had a couple exchanges. One with Elder Davis and one with my old comp Elder Hurst! The exchange with Elder Davis was great. 

We taught one lesson with a couple people who were asking lots about grace and works. It was interesting to teach about. A couple quotes about grace and works I like are: "We are learning heaven not earning heaven" And "I am saved by grace but also changed by grace" I can't remember who quoted them.. Brad R. Wilcox maybe. 

The exchange with Elder Hurst was so good haha. We talked and caught up a lot. We had a cool miracle. We were out tracting and we knocked a door a lady opened up visibly upset. She had been having a really bad day. She recognized where we were from and said hey I got a Book of Mormon back here! We went in and taught her and her family a lesson. She had been taught by sisters in the past but they lost contact with her because she moved. We found her new house. It was awesome. 

Nia's baptism was amazing! Many people came and offered their support. Nia bore a powerful testimony and was just so happy the whole time. Her parents even drove 5 hours to come to it! 

Sunday was a special day as I was privileged to confirm her a member of the church. It was a sacred experience, one I will surely never forget. She is gonna go far in life! 

The word of God has become sacred to me as well as I have studied each and every morning. The Book of Mormon is powerful and along with the Spirit is how we will become converted. 

I know God is real, I know His gospel changes lives. 

Elder Spencer 

Testimony Meeting and Canadian Thanksgiving, October 10, 2022

Hey everyone! Happy Thanksgiving to my family and friends in the Great White North hope you enjoy lots of great food. 

This week was hard work, but in doing that hard work there was joy found. 

Nia is so ready for baptism. She actually ended up joining us in on a lesson we were teaching to another friend! (Unfortunately I was on exchanges so wasn't there for the actual lesson but Elder Morgan filled me in on it) 

Fast and testimony meeting was also pretty special yesterday. Nia got up and bore her testimony. She talked about how she is so grateful we ran into her and brought her to the knowledge of the Restored Gospel. She said these past 2 months have felt like 3 years. She is nervous for her baptism but ultimately was grateful because she is no longer wandering around from place to place. She has found where she feels at home. Many Branch members came up to her afterwards and thanked her and offered support. The Spirit was so powerful! That was honestly the highlight of the week. Seeing her progress these past couple months has been amazing. 

I am amazed and honored that Heavenly Father would let someone as imperfect as myself to be His Hands in helping one of His children come back to Him. It fills my heart with joy just thinking about it! 

There is a scripture that stood out to me from my personal studies I'd like to share along with a question someone commented in Elders Quorum yesterday. 

The Scripture is D and C 121: 34-35

34 Behold, there are many called, but few are chosen. And why are they not chosen?

35 Because their hearts are set so much upon the things of this world, and aspire to the honors of men, that they do not learn this one lesson

The question posed was "Am I building my kingdom or Am I building God's Kingdom?" It got me thinking and I hope you can ponder on this question and reflect on your own efforts to follow God. 

Hope you all have a great week! 

Also if you are looking for something good to read. Elder Bednar's most recent Conference talk will not disappoint!  Elder Spencer 


Conference, Council, and Confusion, October 3, 2022

Alright everyone this week a lot happened!! 

We will start with the confusion. Elder Morgan and I were driving in our car when all of a sudden a sensor goes off and the car auto brakes and we have to pull over to the side of the road. Apparently the engine has sensors and detected that something was wrong. We got it to the shop and everything ended up being ok. But man it was a wild experience haha. 

We had lots of Conferences this week. We had a Zone Conference and General Conference. We also had a Mission Leadership Council in St.Louis. Needless to say there were lots of notes taken and thoughts had. 

General Conference is always amazing. However there is always so much to take out it can be overwhelming! One main takeaway I had was the importance of the Holy Ghost. The role it can play in our life is life changing. It shows us truth and helps us understand what is right and wrong. Many speakers testified and taught how we can keep the Holy Ghost with us or how to cultivate personal revelation. One speaker said: "The companionship of the Holy Ghost is priceless." Another speaker said we need to "safeguard the Holy Ghost". Keeping the commandments invites the Spirit into our life which will then light our souls! 

It motivated me to strive to have the presence of the Holy Ghost with me at all times. I encourage those of you who have this gift to think about its effect in your life up to this point and think of how you can increase his influence in your life. 

Nia watched all 5 sessions of Conference. She really enjoyed it which was awesome. It has been amazing to see her growth the past month and a half. The Spirit is truly what does the converting not us. 

I want to finish with a scripture I read this week. It is in Alma 41:8. It says: "Now, the decrees of God are unalterable; therefore the way is prepared that whosoever will may walk therein and be saved."

I know the way I need to go to find God and to find truth. God provides a way! We choose to follow. 

Hope you all have a great week! 

Elder Spencer

 The sky picture is a picture of Jupiter I got! 

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Four Man and a Lotta Walking, September 26, 2022

Hi everyone! This week was a blur, they get faster and faster I swear! 

This week we had one day of rainy weather the rest of the time it was super nice out, the fall around here is very nice and it is great to be outside in. 

We got the 2 new Elders moved in on Wednesday. Living in a 4 man is crowded but I enjoy it. More people to talk to and share experiences with. The Elders names are Elder Jones and Elder Rich. Elder Jones has been for awhile and he is training Elder Rich. It has been fun sharing the YSA there will be times when we see each other on campus and we run into people who the other set of Elders have talked to but it is all one work! 

Nia came to church again and loved it! She talked to so many of the members and the members loved talking to her! We taught her about temples and she really liked it. She is excited for the time she can go to the temple! 

We walked around a lot this week, talking to as many people as we can! We got rejected a lot but teaching people who keep commitments makes it all worth it. 

Anyhow nothing too crazy to report just working hard! 

Elder Spencer 

Food Poisoning and Nia on Date! September 19, 2022

Well everyone this week was pretty good. 

About halfway through the week I started to feel lightheaded and felt nauseous. After drinking some water and lying down for a bit it didn't get any better. That lasted for a couple days. It was weird, I never have felt that way before. Our mission doctor thinks it was something I ate...anyhow I'm doing much better now! 

So those 2 or so days we did as much work as we could which wasn't too much but we didn't completely stop. It was interesting dealing with a sickness, I don't get sick a ton and it made me think about Jesus Christ and His Atonement. In Alma ch. 7 we read of what Jesus Christ felt on our behalf. It states: "And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people." I had always known that Christ had suffered for my sins and my afflictions. But this verse reminded me that Christ knew how I felt when I was sick. 

I tend to be pretty independant when I am sick, I don't really like asking for help to feel better. Being sick and remembering that Christ also felt it made me think about how I needed to rely on him more even when getting through a sickness. 

After I got better I was grateful and felt that I learned something from this experience. 

Well enough about being sick. We had a lesson with our friend Nia who we have been teaching the last few weeks. We invited her to be baptized last week and she said yes. This week we extended a date, October 15th, and she said yes. She is kinda nervous for how quick it is coming. But we feel that she can be ready, so pray for her! 

Transfer news came in today. Elder Morgan and I are staying together for my last transfer, weird how I only have 6 weeks left. Does not feel real. They are opening up another YSA area. So we will have 4 missionaries in our apartment and we will be sharing an area. So that will be interesting! 

Mizzou had a football game this weekend which made contacting kinda hard but we did our best, gotta love campus finding! 

Hope you all have a great week!

Elder Spencer