Hello everyone, wow this week was amazing!
Had a couple exchanges. One with Elder Davis and one with my old comp Elder Hurst! The exchange with Elder Davis was great.
We taught one lesson with a couple people who were asking lots about grace and works. It was interesting to teach about. A couple quotes about grace and works I like are: "We are learning heaven not earning heaven" And "I am saved by grace but also changed by grace" I can't remember who quoted them.. Brad R. Wilcox maybe.
The exchange with Elder Hurst was so good haha. We talked and caught up a lot. We had a cool miracle. We were out tracting and we knocked a door a lady opened up visibly upset. She had been having a really bad day. She recognized where we were from and said hey I got a Book of Mormon back here! We went in and taught her and her family a lesson. She had been taught by sisters in the past but they lost contact with her because she moved. We found her new house. It was awesome.
Nia's baptism was amazing! Many people came and offered their support. Nia bore a powerful testimony and was just so happy the whole time. Her parents even drove 5 hours to come to it!
Sunday was a special day as I was privileged to confirm her a member of the church. It was a sacred experience, one I will surely never forget. She is gonna go far in life!
The word of God has become sacred to me as well as I have studied each and every morning. The Book of Mormon is powerful and along with the Spirit is how we will become converted.
I know God is real, I know His gospel changes lives.
Elder Spencer
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