Hello everyone!
This week was a good one, got lots of things done!
Elder Hurst and I worked our tails off this week, got out and talked with everyone we could. We walked around a ton because we are almost out of miles for the month, it was great exercise and felt great to be outside!
We had some really cool lessons this week. We had two first lessons with guys named Jesus and Cody. Both on different occasions but these two are awesome! They are both open to learning which makes all the difference, we taught them about truth and how to learn it. Amazing how the Lord placed them in our paths.
We had a scare with our friend Davonte this week. He texted us out of the blue and said he didn't want to meet with us anymore which broke our hearts. We didn't want to give up on him over a text so we set up a time to meet in-person one last time.
We went over and found out he had a concern about one of the commandments and he just didn't feel like he could live it. We had a very powerful, real conversation about the commandment and God's love! It was one of the coolest moments on my mission. I just felt so much love for Davonte and wanted nothing more than for him to come to Christ.
We ended up mostly solving his concern and got him back on his feet and he is down to keep meeting which is great! Keep him in your prayers please!
Church was crazy this week. So the building we meet in isn't very big and we have maybe 20 people at church every week. However this week we had nearly 60 people there! There is a FSY (For Strength of Youth) Conference being hosted on Mizzou Campus so a bunch of instructors came to our building for church! It was cool! We also had 4 friends come to church: Davonte, a girl who's been taught in the past named Whitley, some guy from Elder Hurst and I invited the day before and a girl who just walked right in and wanted to check it out!
I was thinking this week about what really converts people, it's nothing we do as missionaries. It's what we bring. We strive to bring the Spirit into our lessons. That comes as we live righteously day to day and do the small and simple things. It also comes from speaking truth and reading it from the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon. We had lessons where we just simply read 3 verses from the Book of Mormon and then expounded them slightly and taught by the Spirit, those were my most powerful lessons this week!
Any how hope you all have a great week!
Happy Canada Day on Friday!! 

Elder Spencer
They have what's called the Parley P. Pratt run here in Columbia, Parley P. Pratt is an important person in our church history. Apparently he escaped a jail here in Columbia and ran a few miles to get away, we are gonna be volunteering at the event on the 4th of July! It'll be great!
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